Designation and main functions
The DanfossCAD Plugin is designed for thermohydraulic calculations of heating systems, as well as for simplification of the graphical part of projects of two-pipe and single-pipe water heating systems. The plugin can also perform some of the tasks of hydraulic calculations of water heating and cooling systems.
Graphical features
Drawing of heating devices on plans of the buildings taking into account the schemes of their pipe arrangement.
Drawing of pipelines on plans of the buildings.
Drawing of risers on plans of the buildings.
Drawing of pipe collectors and fittings on plans of the buildings.
Drawing of heat sources on plans of the buildings.
Drawing of universal heat consumers’ elements on plans of the buildings.
Automatic generation of isometric schemes of the heating system based on the drawn layouts.
Drawing of callouts with dynamically generated parameters of their filling based on the calculated data.
Drawing of diagrams of the pipe arrangement nodes for heating devices.
Generation of specifications for the pipe arrangement nodes for heating devices based on calculated data
Generation of specifications for systems.
Generation of frames for drawings of various scales and for various formats of printed sheets.
Calculation features
Calculation of heat medium (or coolant) flow rates.
Selection of heating devices dimensions.
Selection of pipeline diameters.
Selection of fittings dimensions and the settings required for the hydraulic binding of heating and cooling systems.
Preparation of specifications for equipment and materials.
Calculation of the values of heat emissions from pipelines, taking into account the value of the efficiency of thermal insulation.
Calculation of cooling values of heat medium in pipes.
Calculation of the gravitational pressure impacts.
Determination of the main circulation rings for each source.
Determination of the required pressure and flow rates in the systems (operating points) for selection of circulation pumps.
Window “Floors setting up”
This window allows to configure the list of the project floors. For detailed information regarding possible actions with this window, please refer to the section “Floors editing”.

Window “Premises setting up”
This window allows to configure the list of the project premises. For detailed information regarding possible actions with this window, please refer to the section “Premises editing”.

Window “Callout styles setting up”
This window allows to configure callout styles for each type of element created by the Plugin.

Window “Elements setting up”
Tab “Fittings”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the fittings, these can be headers and individual valves/taps/gates, etc.
Tab “Heating devices”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the nodes of heating devices.

Tab “Fittings”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the fittings, these can be headers and individual valves/taps/gates, etc.

Tab “Heating devices”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the nodes of heating devices.
Tab “Pipelines”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the horizontal pipes.

Tab “Risers”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the vertical pipes.

Tab “Sources”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the sources of heat or coldness.

Tab “Consumers”
This tab of the window controls the settings of the selected drawing elements on the plans related to the universal consumers of heat or coldness.

Window “Editor of heating devices pipes arrangement nodes
This window is used for adding/removing/editing the pipes arrangement nodes of the project heating device.

Examples of making connections of elements according to one- and two-pipe schemes
An example of making a branch of a heating system according to two-pipe horizontal scheme
The two-pipe horizontal scheme is made the same as it should be on the drawing.
Heating device node
Demonstration of the associated branch on the drawing

Demonstration of the dead-end branch on the drawing

An example of making a floor-riser of a heating system according to a two-pipe vertical scheme

An example of making a branch of a heating system according to one-pipe horizontal scheme
Heating device node
Demonstration on the drawing

An example of making a floor-riser of a heating system according to one-pipe vertical scheme
Heating device node
Demonstration on the drawing

Window “Project fittings”
This window is designated for intermediate storage of equipment previously extracted from the database, as well as for inserting equipment into the drawing, deleting and replacing it.

Window “Fittings selection”
This window is designed to select the required fittings, to add it to the list of fittings of the project, as well as to replace any element from this list.

Adding fitting into the drawing
In order to add fittings to the drawing it is necessary to select in the window “Project fittings” the desired element and click on one of the two buttons:
Button “Insert on the plan” inserts the fitting into the plan in a printable format, placing it on the printed layer of “DanfossCAD-ValvesAndArmatures”.

The header conditionally combines both the header delivery pipe and the return one. At the header there are connection points for the delivery pipelines (on the short side) and connection points for the discharge pipelines (on the long side).

Window “Isometry insertion”
This window makes it possible to generate an isometry based on the graphical data displayed on the plans.